Thursday, 21 December 2017

smart solution solves the problem of AVERAGE math subjects

smart solution solves the problem of AVERAGE math subjects

Good night Mr maternal mathematics mathematician who is surfing looking for a quick way to solve the problem of the average frequency distribution. Mathematics problems concerning the average problem does have its own challenges for students. There are those who think it is also difficult to solve the problem that contains the average problem with the distribution of frequency tables. For students with the ability to calculate the good multiplication and meticulous it is not a problem but for those of you who have the ability to count that is not too good sometimes because the lack of telitian causes an incorrect count until the correct answer was not also obtained. Especially if you're grappling with the national exam that is almost always present every year adorn the test paper.

Consider the tips to be true in working out the matter of the average frequency distribution

1. Always improve student's simple counting skills.

2. Diligently facilitate the child to practice about the average frequency distribution to improve the accuracy of the calculation

3. Help students to have confidence while working on the problem. This is so that children can focus on working on the problem, not depend on other friends.

4. Find a lot of references on how to quickly work out the question of the average form of frequency distribution.

        Well of the four tips above admin will tangent item no 4 that is how to quickly work out the matter of the average form of frequency distribution. The fast way here does not mean there is a special formula inside but only simplifies the calculation into smaller calculations. This will really help you not to get caught in a miscalculation.

Consider the following reviews.
Notice the table below.

The table above shows the data of mathematical repetition value of a group of students. If the average 
value of the data is 72 then many students who score below the average value are ....
A. 11
B. 10
C. 9
D. 6

Method 1

If done the usual way using a table like the following
smart solution solves the problem of AVERAGE math subjects

the results obtained the same that students who get 70 is 5 people. So that got a score 
below the average 72 as many as 11 students
The calculation of the second way is fewer, fewer steps, fewer numbers. With such an 
assumption it will make the students more easily understand and solve the problem of 
the average form of frequency distribution table.

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